Verão (250ml)

R$ 40,00

Sapodillas tend to be found in the exotics isle of many retailers. They are not that common except in their countries of origin which is southern Mexico and Central America (Panama, Peurto Rica). Where they are endemic, the tree is known as níspero in the hispanic language. You find the tree in low and coastal forests.

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Água de Tecido

Água perfumada é uma solução aquosa com um aroma suave e agradável adicionado. É usado principalmente como um aditivo para tecidos, como roupas, toalhas, lençóis e etc.

A água de passar perfuma os tecidos de forma suave e facilita o passar, deixando as roupas delicadamente perfumadas. Pode ser utilizada em toalhas, cortinas, lençóis, estofados, roupas em geral. Aroma de Bebê: suave bouquet floral com notas principais de lavanda. Proporciona uma sensação leve e aconchegante de cheirinho de bebê. Formulação exclusiva com óleos essenciais de lavanda e laranja doce – acalma, relaxa e tranquiliza. Sinta o conforto e bem estar nos armários, closets e no uso das suas roupas perfumadas.

Nutritional Benefits Of The Fruit

The main nutritional benefit comes from its high content of antioxidants especially vitamin C although it doesn’t seem as high as an orange or blackcurrant on a weight basis.

The main polyphenols are:- methyl chlorogenate, dihydromyricetin, quercitrin, myricitrin, (+)-catechin, (−)-epicatechin, (+)-gallocatechin, and gallic acid. Smaller amounts of methyl 4-O-galloylchlorogenate and 4-O-galloylchlorogenic acid have been found (Ma et al., 2003). These all have some degree of antioxidant potential.

A ‘good’ antioxidant content is not to be ignored as most nutritionists regard antioxidants as suitable vehicles to attack free radicals which are associated with the causes of inflammation, cancers and aging. The fibre content (5.3g/100g) supposedly helps reduce constipation but it’s not a cure otherwise it would be medicine, although I’m not sure that too many other web-sites over emphasize that point. Fibre taken on a regular basis helps to reduce fat absorption, can also mop up free radicals and ensures a healthy digestive system.

Did I mention tannins ? No ? Well these are components in fruit generally which have both anti-microbial and anti-viral properties. Whether there are any specific benefits associated with the sapodilla is still being evaluated but it’s clear some interesting components to be examined.

There is also a reasonable vitamin content too.

Vitamin A (retinol) is of course good for eyes and general metabolism. With a reasonably rich vitamin C content (14.7mg/100g, 24.5 per cent RDA) which keeps cells like leukocytes that combat harmful bacteria and other micro-organisms topped up, there is plenty to be offered.

The iron content is 4% RDA and it is taken in India as way to reduce the risk of anaemia (anemia).

RDA – Recommended Daily Amount.

The seeds must be removed before eating as they contain hydrocyanic acid. The older leaves contain poisonous alkaloids.


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